Let's Doodle

Doodling is a deeply intuitive method of making art...

Before getting started let us see how many benefits doodling have:

Doodling may seem like just a simple creative hobby. But,there are multiple benefits of doodling.
According to an article from Harvard university, doodling helps improve memory and can help relieve stress. It improves the capability to focus on.
Another benefit of doodling is that it improves your creative skills. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve the creativity because all you need is a something to draw with and something to draw on. This could be a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, your planner, or bullet journal.

Now Let's get started:

That's all you need to start doodling....

Practice lines yes simple freehand lines ||| this with give you basic tool for doodling any thing ( well a lot of things ) <><><><><><><><><><
To make the entire practice session more interesting just take any random drawing book with basic outlines and instead of filling in colors fill in with lines they come out beautifully or randomly draw a landscape and fill in some lines with different colors

Stars. Circles. Cubes. Hearts..try practicing these randomly on any sheet.. it's fun making patterns from these basic shapes.


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