Art Therapy

Do you ever thought how people in past communicate when there was no language ?
Art has been used as a means of communication , self-expression, group interaction, diagnosis, and conflict resolution throughout history.
Just like we have thousands of languages spoken all around the world Similarly we have many art forms .
Many people have mind set that art is god gift . So it is limited to few special people.
but reality is all different Art is more then just a subject in schools It is an therapy like yoga and meditation.
If you want to improve your concentration or get out of some silly depression or just want to be more productive art can be the best therapy for you It improves your concentration and productivity.
Researches have shown that children practicing art sessions are more productive and there memory becomes more sharp. Even american institute of research and study have proven that art sessions are best for those who can't control there anger and for kids it can build a better human out of them.

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